To execute a swap:
Approve the Router contract for the token and amount you would like to swap
Call Router.swap with parameters:
_path: [tokenIn, tokenOut]
_amountIn: amount of tokenIn to swap
_minOut: minimum expected output amount
_receiver: address of the receiver of tokenOut
The function will revert if the amount of tokenOut sent to the receiver is less than _minOut
To get swap amounts before execution:
Call Reader.getMaxAmountIn with parameters:
_vault: address of the vault
_tokenIn: address of token that will be given
_tokenOut: address of token to be received
The max amount of tokenIn that can be swapped will be returned
Call Reader.getAmountOut with parameters:
_vault: address of the vault
_tokenIn: address of token that will be given
_tokenOut: address of token to be received
_amountIn: amount of tokenIn to swap
Two values will be returned, the first is the amount out after fees, and the second is the fee amount
The fee amount will be in terms of tokenOut
Tokens have a usdgAmount in the Vault contract used for some calculations, this amount is updated on minting of MLP, redemption of MLP and swaps based on the price of the token at the time. Due to price fluctuations this value may drift slightly from the actual USD value of the tokens in the pool, the usdgAmount is periodically updated to re-align values.
Last updated