Opening / Increasing a Position
To open or increase the size of an existing position:
Approve the PositionRouter as a Router plugin for your account
Router.approvePlugin(PositionRouter address)
Approve the Router contract for the token and amount you would deposit as collateral for the position
with parameters:_path
: [collateralToken] or [tokenIn, collateralToken] if a swap is needed_indexToken
: the address of the token you want to long or short_amountIn
: the amount of tokenIn you want to deposit as collateral_minOut
: the min amount of collateralToken to swap for_sizeDelta
: the USD value of the change in position size_isLong
: whether to long or short_acceptablePrice
: the USD value of the max (for longs) or min (for shorts) index price acceptable when executing the request_executionFee
: can be set to PositionRouter.minExecutionFee_referralCode
: referral code for affiliate rewards and rebates_callbackTarget
: an optional callback contract, this contract will be called on request execution or cancellation
After this transaction is sent a keeper will execute the request, the request will either be executed or cancelled
If the position cannot be increased for reasons such as the
not being fulfillable or there being insufficient liquidity then the request will be cancelled and funds will be sent back to the msg.sender that calledPositionRouter.createIncreasePosition
can be zero if no swap is requiredUSD values for _sizeDelta and _price are multiplied by (10 ** 30), so for example to open a long position of size 1000 USD, the value 1000 * (10 ** 30) should be used
Last updated